Thursday, November 25, 2010

Welcome Abroad to Manzo's Ship(s)

I kinda mourn about my rare OTP shipping and Fandom base-ing...
It's hard to look for fanart. OTZ
But it feels thrilling and exciting once you find a really good one because it's extra rare. But still, how are you going to present yourself to fanartists outside when you have such... unrecognizable fandom/OTPs. It feels... alienated.

So let's start from a fandom with a good amount of people in it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Project Mage Theme Collection Preview!

Even though not exactly exact character songs, some tracks has relation to the characters I based the composition and lyrics upon. The lyrics is more of a musicalized image of the spell they cast, sort of.

From 青年軍歌;

INGELAÕIAN (Nero's Demon Invication)

I just love the composition. It's ambient, creepy, somewhat sensual, and to spoil all the fun, singer has to whisper a bit... seductively in the end of the track orz *criez* This is somewhat inspired by the Madonna-esque 90s era with creepy demon-summoning latin chanting. Also borrowing some styles from Shoji Meguro's RnB-Jazz ambience. This song is almost done. I only need to chant a bit more on the last refrain.
This track, somehow, spoils the story plot as well.

PURIPHLOGOS (Athanos' Fire Chant)

HAS TO HAVE AN EPIC BATTLE SONG NO MATTER WHAT. Though arrangements slightly has PNEUMA's reminiscent. I feel so fail. But nonetheless, I still have to work even harder because it's only half way finished.


From 女性賛歌;

PETALOUDA (Parthenia's Poem for the Souls)

I wanna make that typical songs that appears on your typical RPG, sung by your typical RPG  plot-device girl. That's why it's in Japanese. As if this song was extracted from your typical J-RPG soundtrack. And my Megumi has to sing this piece because we need a very cute squeaky Japanese singing voice.

Eleonora's Song

A sad song about unrequited love, basically. Because this album has the female characters as the based of the themes, so love-related song is expected. This is telling about the unlucky childhood friend archetype character. She gets better in the ending though. So yeah, this girl try to sincerely let go her love interest to bear his destiny and purse his own actual true love. Sort of.

So yeah. If there are at least more songs is actually finished, I will make a full view to the songs.

Rants and New Album Project

I haven't done anything yet *happyface*

I just left my phone carelessly on Clarke Quay after my group went for a meeting, how amazing is that? Luckily, my classmates noticed it (or found it, somehow, I don't know). So I have to go on later to take that phone back.

Phone is old, but numbers. I can't loose numbers orz

So anyway, I've been working for a new album "concept", project, I don't know. But I'm working on this album. THESE ALBUMS. It's two, a pair. Side by side album! 8D

Saturday, October 30, 2010

HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: HORROR MOVIE, either you shit bricks or simply ROFL

So since I have nowhere to go (despite the oh so many halloween parties), I stayed at home on Halloween night.
Besides, I'm thinking not to waste money more than $5 per day any way...

So instead I watched this.

Oh hell yeah. Indonesian old horror movie. Featuring Indonesian (late) Ghost Queen, Suzana.
Sundelbolong is a woman ghost with a hole on her back. I don't really know what her legend says (and too lazy to look for it), all I know that yeah. She has a hole on her back.

Part one for your convenience

Actually I didn't even intent to watch a horror movie in the first place. I just randomly typed "bolong" (Indonesian for "hole" as in "Your shirt has a hole") to Youtube search because that word is just ugly. I never thought it will hit such thing! 8D
Yeah, that's what the "bolong" on "Sundelbolong" means.

So I decided to sit, lay back, and watch.

Basically the story is about this girl, gangraped, depressed, killed herself, and haunts those who raped her. That... corny. But since it's a product from the 80s, Indonesian, and overall B-movie-ish... I just don't expect you to be scared. Really. If you are scared by this movie then something is wrong with you.

So the scene started with this newlywed couple with all the typical Indonesian marriage banquet (and suddenly I felt hungry)...

The wife stumbled and the husband cheesily spoke "Oh, that means I have to carry you, my dear." PDA is okay, but less cheesier perhaps? :/

But a while after their marriage, the husband told his wife that he has to go on a job trip (since apparently he's a ship captain or some sort).

And goes this cheesy dialog along the way;
Husband: "This sudden job ruins our happiness."
Wife: "I don't mind, you are my helping god. You took me out from this darkness. I'll wait for you."
Seriouslyyyy 8D

So the guy went and he left his wife (and maid).



Then this left wife alone, who suddenly got a call from this boutique owner, claimed interest on her handcraft.
It turns out that the boutique owner had good relationship with her ex-pimp lady.

From left: Pimp lady, assistant, and the boutique owner. I wonder why the boutique owner isn't gay.

So yeah, apparently she was a hooker before she got married.

So this pimp lady told the boutique owner to make the wife as a model instead, since you know... The "sell-your-body" thing... But the wife refused and felt so humiliated that she had to be forced to go back to her old life.

But for some reason, the baddies insisted. Perhaps for they just being, evil. Kidnap and raped this poor lone wife.


...and expectedly similar...

And he told to his mooks they can do the rest...

So the wife left depressed and later found out she was pregnant, most likely from the rape. And the gynecologist apparently refused to hear her rape story and judged her badly as a woman and wife. She was haunted by her past life for being a hooker and aborted babies before. The point was she just couldn't take it anymore, she snapped.

And decided to do this.

Maid goes GYAAAA!

Then she was buried and the husband looking like he wasn't bothered at all. Then the haunt begins.

First she visited her husband and said her apology, and then she slowly killed her rapists one by one in the most... absurd way. One time she even haunted a poor satay seller and a becak (Indonesian trishaw) owner. For no apparent reason, probably for comedy moments. But it so absurd you ended up feeling pity to the satay owner because apparently a ghost just came and took down all their satay and soup stock, in one single dinner, and did not pay...

She took that soup pan in one gulp, and since her back has a hole, the soup pour back out from there.

To kill her victim, this ghost lure those pervos by turing into a seductive woman and one by one, probably because all men are pervert, are taken down. It always happen at night. Which hilariously resulted in this.

And that's the ghost wife, disguising as a woman, try to seduce one of her rapist passing with a car.

You don't see what's wrong? She opens an umbrella in the middle on a non rainy night. Only stupid people who don't think that is weird and suspicious enough.

The ghost also constantly visited her husband, disguising as her long dead twin sister, and I have no idea why the husband isn't suspicious and once again, bothered. He even never asks her background, story, reason, or anything and just trust this girl who looked like his dead wife. Not to mention at one point, he had sex with her.

Yes. Had sex with the ghost.

Until finally near the end, when the boutique owner hired a witch doctor to mess up with her grave while she was on a "date" with his husband. She left for saving her grave, leaving her purse and when her husband took a look in it, he found their marriage photo (which puts the question; why a ghost has a purse and a picture in it?).

Oh, did I mention that she killed the pimp lady by throwing her into a electricity pole? 8D

Following result of the action

A viewer even posted a comment, pointing on how the neighborhood will have blackout afterward...

So in the end, she managed to kill all that caused her "unhappiness" (killing the pimp lady, boutique owner, and the rapists) and finally her husband told her to rest in peace while an Imam chants the Quran verse for her.

And the movie ends.

I don't wanna rate this movie. It's so bad, it's good. It's pretty entertaining actually. Perhaps because you get to see stupid and nonsensical people haunted by a ghost that raise big disbelief.

The point that scares me only when the wife ghost turns into a pocong instead. Pocong is something like a zombie, but took a form in how Muslim would wrap dead bodies before burying them. I hate that thing. But the rest is fine. Funny to the extent.

So yeah. This halloween turned out pretty swell after all.

Friday, October 29, 2010



Junk: Veronica Boss Final Boss Fight + Sibling Issues

Thursday, October 28, 2010



Not really, because this is just an advantage coming from a geek family, with a geek Dad and turns me out into a spoiled geek daughter.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fanfic for Writing Session Club Whoa




Well, it depends though. Some will consider this a warm and fuzzy brother-sister heartwarming fic. But for those who tend to think too much this might have that "incest" implication.
(But mind you, you won't get to play Resident Evil: Code Veronica X without thinking "incest" in the first place anyway.)


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Junk -- Somebody's just doesn't belong...

Throwing some RE junk

Little Miss Ashford wants to play with you~

She needs some hug D:>

Ummm... Yeah.


It's been awhile.

Since I can't play it, I watched Resident Evil: Darkside Chronicles on the internet. RE:DC was supposed to be called "Drama Compilation". RE2 and RE:CVX were my most favorite drama induced RE series (the other one would be RE5). Plus we have this poor Manuela. The whole remake was quite enjoyable though there is one thing that seriously bothers me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rants and Recipe

All I can think about now is only cooking, songs, and cooking.
And budget.

Yes, I have to come with an estimated budget to plan my school event. It's not just a school event, it's a requirement to pass this diploma year. Sigh.

But that aside I just experimented with ponzu sauce. Basically it's a citrus based sauce originated from Japanese. Ponzu shoyu, ponzu sauce mixed soy sauce sometimes appear as a condiment in sushi restaurant.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Finally *sigh*
I'm making themes for my current project; Project Mage: Spirit Summoner. Still, Garage Band to the stuff for me OTZ. I wish I was a little bit more funded. Anyway...

There are three main storyline, each three has their own respective main themes. All three segments take different time and places, telling different sets of characters, but still in the main principal: telling about these people who are able to control their environment with their spirit power (to cut it short, it's the term you know as "magic").

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Today I downloaded Ar Tonelico III Hymmnos Concert tracks. Both sides.


For the first time I don't pay much attention to the Blue side (where Akiko Shikata tracks are) and keep listening to the Red one.

These babies (the OST, I mean) are getting more mature. Probably because there are more musicians putting effort to them and present such epicness to the songs. Personally, I'm not a fan of Ar Tonelico games but I am a big fan of the Hymmnos.

Rekka Katakiri sings too and it's the one of my preferred best tracks.

Still, I am SOOOOO HAPPY that Yoshitaka Hirota put two pieces of his work on the album. Ever since I played Shadow Hearts, I captivated by his works.

I don't care this is Ar Tonelico III's OST! All I can think of is fusioned!Yuri standing in the dark moon looking badass.

Which reminds me, one of the reason I played Shadow Hearts was because Yasunori Mitsuda composed the OST. I knew Yasunori Mitsuda from, of course, Chrono Cross. The OST was Dad's and my favorite. Then knowing that Shadow Hearts was composed by two composers, I came to know Yoshitaka Hirota too.

And later I found out both composers are childhood friends and Hirota composed and arranged some tracks for Shikata over past years.

I can go endlessly if I talk about video game soundtrack but let's say people who worked on Shadow Hearts and Bemani has my favorites.

And lately I've been re-infatuated with Shadow Hearts I fangirl it a lot~

Currently I'm downloading Noriko Mitose's "Yorlga" and Rekka Katakiri's "Kimena in the Hole" is waiting in the list. I actually find both CDs on play-asia but supporting parents money by not buying too much stuff is more of a priority than supporting your favorite musician.


I'm gonna buy both of them, these Ar Tonelico III babies, and Kirite once I got my own oney... If they still print the CDs OTZ.

Friday, September 17, 2010

YUMMY WEEKEND: Mooncake Memories

Mid-autumn festival is coming. Mooncakes everywhere... It's dreamy. And intriguing because you get to see bazaars of mooncakes everywhere, you can do yourself a mooncake adventure. And it's amazingly expensive as well.

YUMMY WEEKEND: Apple cider and honey roast chicken

So my Mom gave me this... Diet recipe involving apple cider and honey. So you suppose to drink a tablespoon of apple cider, a tablespoon of honey, and 150cc water, and stir well. I admit it was terrible but I was amazed that "Whoa! If I can get the measurements right, this can be a great marinade!"
So it wasn't that bad after all!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Got action MILF? How to get yourself hooked up.

Since I am bored and have nothing to do so let's bring a topic up.

I was watching The Secret Saturdays just now and I thought; "Drew Saturday is definitely a hot action MILF. But... I guess if we do exist in the universe, she might be the type that we can only adore from afar."

Why is that?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

JUSTIN BIEBER SONG PARODY, I know I'm that bored


Lagu parodi buat Justin Bieber dan fansnya...
Well... There is a slight mean though.... But hell no! Just for you Justin fans lol LOVE

Thursday, August 19, 2010

So... We're not that different in origins, eh?

So I bought the Russian barbie (yes, my life has been aimless, jobless, and compsumptive).

I just couldn't help it and was feeling doubt if I do something really worthy while bringing her home. But after I opened the box and look how perfectly made she was, I felt so happy.

Isn't she beautiful~~?

Monday, August 16, 2010

Semudah Itukah Pikiran Seorang Fujoshi Dibaca?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Indonesian Random ~ Krisdayanti dan Anang

Sambil sikat gigi di sore hari ngabuburit tiba-tiba saya berpikir.

(saya tau ini outdated tapi ya sudahlah)

Sunday, August 8, 2010


This post certainly has nothing to do with my obsession with a certain Danish Bubblegum Dance Band.

Stockholm or Helsinki?

So I was visiting the library on my Junior High. I volunteered to teach History and English on a same day for the juniors. It was break time and I waited for the bell to ring because next is my English class and the nearest place I can hang on to is the library.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Made For Each Other?


I've watched it like... 5 times during Summer Break after it was released. And also fighting seat spaces with little kids... Yes, I've been waiting for this for 11 years. WE ALL DO!

So yeah, the next thing in my mind was: "THEY'RE GOING TO RELEASE THE COLLECTOR EDITION TOY REPLICA SOON!" So I'm aiming to that. It was much more expensive in Jakarta so I managed to buy it later in Singapore ;u;
But nonetheless, I have the toy collection I want (>w<)

People I Can't Imagine Having Twitter and Request to Follow Mine

Yes. Tweeting is addictive. So the list are:

- Dad
- Mom
- That certain friend of mine

Boys and girls out there, a message from a screwed up Neesan. Control your tweeting habits.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Late Birthday Present

Yes. This was the thing I focused on the first month of vacation.

So the first time on Depe and Sarah's to do list when I'm home is to have a sleepover. Girls love sleepover as you know it.

They gave me a late birthday present.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Party i Provinsen

Party horn till the break of dawn.

(sorry can't help it... Does this mean we get to see a Norway Barbie Girl? D8)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So England invites Finland for some tea time. England cooks something, thinking that her cooking might be suitable for Finland's weird taste on food. So she tries to make something that will impress Finland, anyhow.


Oh Fem! Finland. I actually wanna cosplay Fem!Sweden too since Sarah's cosplaying Fem!Finland. But I even pend my own Norway cosplay and photoshoot. So Fem!Sweden apparently coming next time.

(And someone even too lazy to do Denmark's coat for the photoshoot prop)

Okay so.. Yeah, behold the sweetest yet strongest nation of all. Sarah decided not to wear wig and it's okay anyway since her hair is already Fem!Finland-ish...




Okay, that aside. We finally get the chance to cosplay Nyotalia. I was going to cosplay Norway but... Yeah. I was on some issue so I pend my own cosplay. BUT! Good news Cilsi and Sarah did cosplay and even though we didn't make it to the event we got ourselves some good photoshoots! XD

Behold your highness true English Lady, Igiko...

Sleepover ~ Sleep Cute

Depe: "Are you done stalking her?"
Manzo: "YESSS..." *flips digital camera and review the pictures she has taken*
Depe: "Okay, let's wake her up so we can move the bed and sleep."

Sleepover ~ Fangirling is number one to do list in sleepover

I see, Sarah. You don't pay attention at class.


I don't know where to start! 8D
Summer break was amazing and I realized that no way I can post things there. So yeah. Now's a recap! XD

But let's start with what everyone loves best: FOOD.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Going to update soon! D8

Currently some things are in progress. My MacIdol page and summer break photos too :3


And now back to my Project Mage while waiting for the 9 AM class :3

Friday, May 14, 2010

So I herd you liek girlbands...

So I went home.
It's a very fun first three days at home. I'm going to put blog for that too, but here goes the spotlight that kinda surprise me with local entertainment business.

So I went to get the sewing machine yesterday, along with Mom and Depe. Mom was driving and the radio was on. It was this local radio station that is quite going on with the young community. It's quite updated in the entertainment and everything especially local ones. So here goes this commercial about this new girlband and their song features like ringtones and everything. And Depe shouted;

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

If You Can't Sleep then goes She & Him

I can't sleep.

Not that matter but I have to catch a first plane and I can't sleep. Which meaaans; I'd better stay awake until 6. O___O

But anyways, I think I'm so in love with Zooey Deschanel now. No, no, not that way. More like fangirling against her since she waves a good enjoyable music. Her voice is nice too. She sings well live, play, and compose too. So I think I will blab about my new song collection right now.

Yes, it's Deschanel's She and Him, her duo with M. Ward. The songs are so moe I hurriedly download the album. They also released the second album recently so yeah! Volume one and volume two~

Morbidly cute. I think I'm dying from it too...

I'm just going to "Omg, so cute!" this album. Really. The thing this isn't just cute "cute". But simply well made on every song. The arrangements for the songs are really nice. They have this 60s rock style to it, kind of old, innocent, but really really easy listening and can make you smile. A perfect patch to accompany you drive in the neighborhood on the afternoon, just like I'm planning to while going for a drive through or shopping for groceries and craft kits.

The thing that really adds to the style is Deschanel's way of writing lyrics and her simplistic jazzy voice. The voice isn't that "whoa", but is nice and natural. Perfect for the songs~ XD Apparently she does the chorus herself too, which is cute~

So for some song reccomendations...

I seriously have no idea orz. I can't pick. It's just too enjoyable... Okay. Let me try...

So for Volume One....

I'm instantly in love with their cover of The Beatles' I Should've Known Better. They changed it into a hawaiian style. UGH SO MOE.

Their Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? is of course mentionable too. Since I also put the video. The arrangements is just perfect and show how well the music is made.

And perhaps the jazzy character from Take it Back. Since most of the songs in the album goes for the 60 rock and rock style, this one one has old jazzy melody.

And for Volume Two...

Thieves reminds me straight to a good karaoke night with family... Most songs on the album does actually, but since this is the first track so it kinda sticks.

They have two covers on the album. But I think I will pick Ridin' in My Car. They do a duet and the song sounds even more vintage than the original.

Home has a really great arrangement. I really love the one that has a cute arrangement because that what makes a simplest song sounds powerful.

And like the album covers!!! XD
It's so cute, so simple, something like Bee would make. Really. It's something that attach me into innocence and friendliness looking at the cover.

People say that Deschanel is somewhat of Katy Perry's twin... Either their voice, their appearance and everything but I'd say Deschanel has this childish, innocent, sugary old school image while Perry is having a more mature, sexy, and artsy image. At least that's what I think. Oh, and Deschanel is more of jazzy while Perry is rock.

And now, since I can't sleep, I'm enjoying myself on their If You Can't Sleep... -,-


YAY! I'm going home for summer~ SOOOOO EXCITED! XD

I shall make a vlog and keep updating the very interesting stuff I'm having. I hope I can cope up to that and shall win over my laziness...

So yep! I better get ready nao! :3

Monday, May 10, 2010


Finally. I'm going home...
I was kinda busy packing things up for going home and actually have no idea what to put into the blog. I was thinking about writing my secret obsession about furry characters in the 90s but the good sources was kinda limited. They apparently don't really exist anymore. But yeah. Briefly speaking about that, I DID obsessed with furries. Or perhaps I still do...

Seeing furries makes me miss my childhood day. I know it's a broad genre but kids show love to use anthropomorphic animals as the main characters apparently to look interesting for the curious mind of children. So apparently I grew up with those kind of characters on the afternoon TV show.

Disney Afternoon was my best friend. Name it. Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers was like "OF COURSE!" Mighty Ducks, I didn't get to watch it at the time but later found out. Also Tale Spin, Darkwing Duck, and Duck Tales. Dad subscribed us into Uncle Scrooge comic books. So I pretty much engaged with Disney on so many ways.

Noooooo... This doesn't apply to me.

You get the best of both worlds!!!! XD .... err... No! You didn't hear me sang that! D:

You gotta admit, they have one of the best theme song of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Other than Disney, I suppose WB do the job too. Space Jam! YES! That was a win back then. And ROAD ROVERS, I can't seem to get enough of them. And screw you Cold War propaganda for canceling the series (bad rating too, I guess, which I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY~) Seriously, it's borderline obsessed, I'm still fangirling to the series until now since 1997. And furry porn did a great job to make me having great nightmares for the rest of my life (though it's inevitable. Rule 34. My blog probably have its porn too).

The only thing that can keep me to my innocence.

It was love at first sight. I couldn't stop fangirling against them just after I watched it. I stayed at night just to draw fanarts, I tape recorded EVERY SINGLE EPISODE (though the tapes are mostly gone now but hey! There's this thing called teh interwebs...) I ship Hunter and Colleen to the boot and have a violent-tsundere crush on Blitz. Oh how I miss the glory days~ But... After the fangirl re-watched the show after 11 years not seeing it... She begins to move her ship towards the other couple. Other couple?

Blitz: "I wanna bite their butts!"
Exile: "Don't be a weird boy..."

And also I later realized that... Blitz talked in an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent.

I also used to obsessed with Crash Bandicoot, but I don't really play the new games after CTR though ('^') Yeah, it's kinda different. But that doesn't really matter though. Things change, but I'd stick to the ones in my generation lol~

I also secretly in love with Sly Cooper. My Brother bought the game, my first reaction was; "FURRIES! *w*"
So I secretly watched my brother when he played.
Secretly browse pics and fanarts...
Secretly worship the ship...
It's not so secret anymore though.

I actually prepare some fanarts for this fill... But... Too lazy to scan and edit~

Friday, April 23, 2010

All Those Eurodance Weirdness part 2


Brief recap on the week, was quite hard. We had some group struggle and I probably had some of my stuff penalized because a late due time. I also wasn't sure on the last question on my accounting test...

An that aside...

Europe Unites for Eurodance
and Epilogue
(WARNING! Some videos may have NSFW content due to E-Rotic erotic song...)

So we have been walking around Scandinavian countries to see about their scoop on Eurodance. Since the title is Eurodance, don't you wonder if the other European countries own the same quirky and bold approach on Eurodance genre...

Actually, not that much since we already know some that is proven to pwn the club music internationally...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

All Those Eurodance Weirdness part 1

Prologue and Scandinavia is just weird like that.

Electronic music has always been my interest. Programs are downloadable, magics of midi, no honor needs to be paid, and you can arrange your music in whatever you like. That is the simplest thing, good things can turn even better and how many artist use electronic music nowadays and their music is still goodly enjoyable.


It's April already!!!! :D
April means:
- Which means there's going to be a lot of hardworking orz
- And spending money for my twin's birthday present, which sadly, I have no idea what to make or get ;___;

Anyways, I've decided to make posts specially for April in order to countdown days until I finally become 20. Which is sad because I wanna stay 10!!! D: (hence the "Peter Pan Complex") Aside of that I just wanna recount all the junk and memorabilia I got here in mind. So April posts will going to be: retro, old, junk, cheesy, not-so-21th-century, weird, campy, outdated, somewhat-socially-unacceptabl, anything goes which all personally becomes a guilty pleasure to me lol. Just to celebrate my "adulthood" myself because I tend to stick to whatever reminds me to my childhood.

So begins today, I'm going to look for things that is related to the topic~

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Slight Rants

So I do this personality test. I was bored and enjoying the pain of heartburn (you have no other choice, really =__= Constantly taking free medicine is not that good...) and take the so-called advance one on

So they put the percentage of my personality with Intellectual, Artistic, Peter Pan Complex, and Conflict Seeking as the highest.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yep yep yep
Decided to put one of complete song here. All copyright by me of course, with help of Apple's garage band. Prefer this one because it's all tidy, my voice kinda sucks though =__=
And my favorite as well. It's a sweet song~ About waiting someone far away, hence the title. Umi no Mukou de - Across the Sea. (Apparently caused by separated from family and friends -- all scattered overseas orz)


©Manzo, 2010.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Previews and Philosophy

Bee posted her trip!!!
Forgive us for posting our improper pictures up there...
I even forget to tell that the curry actually works! (apparently the picture is gone within the storage cleaning last Wednesday... =__=)
I still keep some but... It was there on the fridge since two weeks ago and I... uh... Errr... Guess I have to check if it is still edible or not. The thing is I'm really good at wasting food. Sometimes I get moody and picky in eating something. I could turn around aimlessly on supermarket or food court for hours, not knowing what to have. *sigh* Remember the cute Japanese chocolate I bought?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

This Weekend...

Bee is coming!!! XDDD
Now she's out doing her school trip, but we did a couple exploring yesterday. We went just after I finished my presentation for Human Resource Management. We had a good Indian dinner. We went to Orchard for a while, I'm looking for Taylor's accessories and another external hard disk. There's only 28 GB left on Taylor ;m;

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

MOE is everywhere!!! XDDD

Anyways, Bee is coming today so I can't wait to pick her up tonight on the airport! XD
I just experience a good moe day (but not so good school days lol), I watched "Toy Story 2". AND LOVED THE GOOD ADULT JOKES! *w*
(and some yaoi hints too~<3)

This is the first one I notice from the movie:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Why do Japanese always makes good food?

When mom visits, the food is always good.

Cold Storage fond of Japanese food fair. Singapore is fond of Japanese food fair. This is not the first time though, but this is the first time I actually find these.

They got good snacks ;o;
And a-pocky-like snack with green tea flavor!!! XD

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Started A Blog

No, not about Prussia! XD

I made myself another blog to fill up my literature habits--in Indonesian though. Basically bored and just wanna get myself write a little bit more like I did back then...

With penahangus derived from "Pena Hangus" which means "Burnt Pen" in Indonesian. Entitled "Million letters fell and swept away", a verse from a poem once my literature teacher read on my class. He taught me when I was on junior high and taught me ever since. He and my other literature teachers there gave me the passion to read, write, know more from many point of views. Gotta thank them a lot. (:
I kinda miss the times they encouraged me, taught me many things, talks on our book clubs, and stuff. They knew I'm not academically good but put faith on my passion of literature...
(Yea, a book girl, can imagine my nerdy life back then, huh?)

The blog itself basically philosophy and literature all together. Subject revolves around politics, history, psychology, and social science. I do interested on those subject but still wondering why I chose management instead... Well... There's an "Art" before the "Management" there anyways XD

Feel free to look at~

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Speaking of My Nendoroid Puchis....

I'm gonna sell my Kaito, I'm considering to sell my Luka, but Luka has nice details so... yeah.

Unless someone wants to trade me with one of Kagamine twins (or both).

Sealed and haven't been touch ever since...
Do contact me if interested! (:

Recap on February

So this is basically what happened on February...

So two friends visiting and two friends had brithdays. All of them are good friends of my so yeah. I also found out that there is this "little Akiba" ONLY A WALK AWAY FROM MY SCHOOL! O.o
Stupid me, how could I miss such. It's been almost two years I'm on Singapore, knowing quite well such places and almost never got lost, I DIDN'T KNOW SUCH STORE EXISTED!!! D:

Half of the Term...

Bombarded with essays and exams!!! OTL

It feels like dying... And I jumped on LJ for necessity... It offers me so many kink memes to miss. I NEVER KNEW THEY ALSO HAVE PERSONA 4~~~~~ D: O_______o

I wanna update things but... make sure the pictures and stuff are edited.

I spent hours reading kinks and note down kinks to fill. Just a moment ago door bell rang and I went up to open it. A friend of a highschooler flatmate came to visit. I think he was here before. Yeah anyways, he was quite good-uke-ish looking while the flatmate of mine rather look big, tall, and older looking for a highschooler. So came this conversation:
The Flatemate: "Oh, I was just going to take a shower..."
The Friend: "It's okay, I'll wait for you..." (in a uke manner).
Me: *imagining things that's not supposed to be imagined but natural for any fujoushi to imagine*
I guess I've been reading too much kink and yes, this highschooler flatmate is boy lol...

Gggahhhh... Gotta fix pictures (and scan some fills) and DO MY ESSAY!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


So... Today, in chronological order...
I made pins! XD Or badges... Or whatever suits you better. Since I don't really have the actual kit, I used board, laminating paper, and ordinary pins. Nice enough for a homemade, actually.
I have to stick the pin to the board with tapes and glue, so I have to wait for hours for the glue to do dry. In the mean time, I was going out for buying some things for myself, so I got myself ready.

And it turned out that the shirt I was going to wear had a hole in it.

So I open my sewing kit and sew it for about a half an hour while listening to this. Why? I was watching my childhood Tex Avery cartoon, anything including the Wolf and Red Hot Riding Hood in it. So yeah.

I don't really remember how exactly I watch all those,

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sydney, Summer 2009

For a second I thought I was LOSING MY CAMERA!!! But after I done some cleaning today I found that it was bound together with my broken charger and headsets and I was like "OMG, MY CAMERA!!!! I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!!!!"
Thank God, I really thought I lost it because I can't track the last time I brought it outside.... I thought I misplaced it somewhere or somebody took it, or any worst possibility ever, but it turn out that I wasn't looking it careful enough... -_-;

Friday, January 22, 2010

Short Break

So Mom came to visit and treating me some goods. (:
(...and paying the school fee).
We went for teppanyaki on Plaza Singapura. The last time I had teppanyaki was... on my Junior high, which was about three to five years ago.
Acctually there's nothing really special about the taste. The good thing about teppanyaki is the experience to see how your food is cooked and served.

Then I went to get things I needed. BRA. lol My Bras are all old already. They fit, but not wearable. -___-

Oh, I also found that 7 Eleven (that convenience store) sells a world edition Hello Kitty strap!

I bought Netherlands, and I'm going to get Greenland! (Yay!) I also bought Japan for Bee, she's a Kitty fan :3

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nyotalia Keychains + Eurovison 2009

...Or specifically NyoFinland and NyoNorway. I've been planning to do some sort of fan merchandise all along since last summer but never do it until finally I throw away my bugging laziness and get my ass on the job.

It turned out cute~ (:

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cute, Smart, and Cuddly

I want a pet.
I don't know what I should get, a Hamster, a Turtle, or simply fish.
But I recently browse this aquarium store on Plaza Singapura. It's about S$20 up for a goldfish. Fishes I can get for about S$4 are small fishes that not even bigger than my pinkie. I know I can find cheaper store across the island but the thing is I even haven't decided yet what pet I should get.
Recently I browsed hamster back in Jakarta and it was about Rp 15.000 or S$2 or so. Quite cheap and they also looked healthy too (: The expensive one are the Syrian hamster which is a little bigger than most hamsters and it has good breed too. But I haven't looked up on Singapore stores. I assume it got more expensive because small turtles I saw on the aquarium store that day was about S$4.


Fanart time! XD
I'm starting to love Hetalia genderbend more than it's original O.o

Lookie here... What do we have here?

Winter 2009 - New Year 2010

It's been a long time since I actually post something. Finally I've got something to put on here this time. after a while struggling on exam and assignment weeks, (let's see... October and November. Yeah, tough one) I finally came back home to Jakarta, Indonesia. Quite a nice holiday I got there. A chance to finally reunite with family and close friends. It began on early December and went on until January 2010.

I'm always eager when it come to holidays, I finally got a chance to actually have fun without thinking how much money I have to spend or what route I'm going to take. Basically, I do anything at my home and luckily, it's the easiest and sufficient place my friends can go into so I don't really have to go anywhere. From there, things are happening. We had barbecues, sleepover, go cycling around the neighborhood, all the conventional things that you can still relate and enjoy too and yeah. Trying some drink lol. I'm not legal yet but, oh well.

Mom said I can.

I cooked. Really, I cooked. And I'm daring you to try if you're not craving for more. Speaking about cooking, we had a big cooking day when Bee's car hit by a motorcycle and she's trying to make a big apology to her mom who was out of town. Though the accident wasn't actually my friend's fault, it's the motorcycle that hits her but still. Motorcycles and their drivers are known to be ill-mannered on streets of Jakarta so the blame goes to Bee and no parents like that. So we planned this "surprise" welcome home treat with pudding and brownies. She can't cook so she asked Yuu and I to cook for her. -___-

Then Yuu decided to make another pudding...

And this one is my masterpiece, Butter smeared chicken, served with vegetable caserole.

And a cake for someone special who ended up eaten by anyone passing by.

My specialty GYUDON! XD

And Kitsune Udon~

I also went to a toy convention on early December! XD Otakus were there. So many of them. Though it's not a first time I went to an anime-game related event like that, this is the first time I feel like I don't belong there. I could say that the geeks of geeks were there and I feel like I wasn't geek enough showing up on such place. I do like being with cosplayers and fans but... It's a toy convention, figures are there, and you get the idea. (-___-) But that aside, the figures were ALL GOOD. And expensive as well. There are booths for online and card games too. The thing that actually caught my attention was a 1:6 Yukiko Amagi from P4 figure that was displayed on the "Figure Photography" booth. The thing that despise me that it wasn't for sale.

Perhaps next time ;_;

Oh, me and my best friends had our picture day! One of us; Day is on the army so he took us for a good photoshoot of us together for keepsake. It doesn't mean he won't come back (-_-) but he rarely comes home and it's been about almost 8 years that we are together so it does need to be celebrated.

It has its moments too.

We had pasta afterward. There is this Japanese pasta cafe/restaurant on the city mall so curiously we went there to try what it's like. It was kinda... expensive for one plate and I don't know what people said but it was too creamy. O_o But the desert was quite nice and there are refilable drinks. Then we went straight to karaoke! XD Sang any song we can shout onto and even turn some lyrics into Norwegian.

Bee and her pasta.

Beautiful Peach Ice Cream for desert.

We even went to a wedding to lol. The invitation was actually for Yuu's mom but since she's having her study on the US so I guess she misses what Indonesian wedding are like. We went there and the food was great.

So there's this hot spot on Jakarta located on an area called Kemang. There is this "Kemang Food Fest" and its neighborhood which I assume most of those who are aware to the society spend their money there, hanging out with friends, or simply just have fun. I've been there with Yuu and Bee before, accompanying Yuu's sister once. At one point on this vacation, my childhood friend, Dera asked me to hang out with her there. So I brought myself a bunch of idiots coming with me and Dera. This includes my best friends who happened to be Dera's junior high friends; Sarah and Putri, and the unmentionable freaks who happened to be my brothers. The food wasn't so great but I think it's the nuance that makes people go there. It was a fun night though.

Yeah. Fun.

Yuu had her wisdom teeth removed on this vacation too. So Bee and I had some time to accompany her back and forth to the hospital for check and finally the "removing" day. It had to be a surgery because four of them is removed at the same time. So we waited and helped Yuu and her Mom after the surgery.

I have a full list that record worth memorable during the whole vacation but guess what this blog will be if I put all of them into it. Some are confidentials too lol. So I guess this would be it for Winter vacation and Summer's coming up next!

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