Monday, August 30, 2010

Got action MILF? How to get yourself hooked up.

Since I am bored and have nothing to do so let's bring a topic up.

I was watching The Secret Saturdays just now and I thought; "Drew Saturday is definitely a hot action MILF. But... I guess if we do exist in the universe, she might be the type that we can only adore from afar."

Why is that?
So yeah, I came up with the idea to differentiate two types of action MILF, in my opinion.

Generally speaking, MILFs are creatures that you certainly only wanna adore from afar, aside having a man who's responsible for her already, she might have that vicious kids that probably make it hard for you to get on with their Mom (if she's single). That, with exceptional conditions aside. Extra harder if she's an action MILF.

But here's the thing, on todays media, action MILF is categorized somewhere on the fanservice list. So to say, aside being a plot relevant character (for most of the time) she's also created to "take care" all of the fanboys (and girls, if exists) out there and "bake them some cookies". What makes her hard to get is, that she is capable to take her own opponent down. But hey, you sure do want these kind of women, don't you?

If you're in fictionland, you might meet these two types of action MILFs. The one that has a helpless or no husband, and the action MILF that have action husband who is as badass as she is.

Let's have an imagination spot, shall we? Think of an action MILF you want to get on with and imagine you are in her universe. Aside being in a "fan can do anything" type of universe, let's just stick to the canon universe with you just like a normal you, being in that universe, with the adoration of your favorite MILF.

The one that has a helpless/invisible/no husband is the type that you can easier approach. You can aligned with the bad guys this MILF is fighting to get your hands on her. Try make yourself overpower her so you can just own her action skills literally and figuratively.

The example of this type is Sophitia Alexandra from Soul Series. On the latest series, she just leave her blacksmith husband with her son like that so she can save her daughter. Her husband is not with her and can't save her if something happens to her. Aside trying make alliance with Nightmare and take Tira's job to manipulate her, you also can offer hands to save her. Impress her. Play hero. Good things might happen.

And the thing about these type of action MILF is, if the husband happen to be exist but not as strong as she is, you can try overpower her husband and show her how manly you are. You may or may not win her heart. Depends on her devotion to said husband. But it's easier. If you are able to get stronger than her and her husband, you can just grab her easily whether she likes it or not. Her husband will be just plainly helpless.

So for the action MILFs who has a husband who is as badass as herself...

These type of MILFs are the one you will just probably adore from afar. Why? Aside she can guard herself, she has her action husband. This will be twice harder for you to get. You have to be extra, EXTRA stronger because her husband will probably stronger than her as how naturally men will be stronger than women. And if you do try to approach her on with the friendly harmless way... Her husband might cause harm to you. The one with helpless husband might just scold you or knock you with pain that probably will heal at least in a day. Surely this one, you might get yourself threatened for life.

Example for this might be, the one I just watched, Drew Saturday from The Secret Saturdays. Aside she can burn you with her sword... "Whoa, that's a badass looking, big scary black guy, with cool half blind eye, and... Okay. I just don't wanna mess with him."

Or... Susan Storm Richards from... I guess we all know where she's from. Even Reed himself has rivals who are as bad as he is. If you wanna join that league to win Sue's heart, make sure to be really, really prepared.

And... probably my favorite Karin "Anne Hyuga" Koenig from Shadow Hearts. "Whoa, that some hot redheaded woman over the- OH MY GOD DID HER ARMY HUSBAND JUST TURNED INTO A MONSTER!?"
(And seriously, Nicolai? HER SON EVEN KICKED YOUR ASS. Go firetruck yourself.)

So... Yeah. You should really really be evilly strong or gary-stuey strong to get this type of MILF. But don't be upset. There is a way. You don't have to be strong, asskicking, or whatsoever. Simply pay attention to their domestic issues, and if there is a problem, go in to the picture. You may get yourself away with the MILF but this doesn't guarantee you will be save from her husband's ultimatum of doom. But hey, at least we got the MILF :D

So yeah. Let's shift ourselves to the "anything can happen by fan" universe. I guess this will be the easiest way to get on with these action MILFs after all.



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