I've watched it like... 5 times during Summer Break after it was released. And also fighting seat spaces with little kids... Yes, I've been waiting for this for 11 years. WE ALL DO!
So yeah, the next thing in my mind was: "THEY'RE GOING TO RELEASE THE COLLECTOR EDITION TOY REPLICA SOON!" So I'm aiming to that. It was much more expensive in Jakarta so I managed to buy it later in Singapore ;u;
But nonetheless, I have the toy collection I want (>w<)
I got plushies, pez dispenser, mug, figure, and of course the worthy collectibles.
I should've buy Woody back there in Jakarta though, weirdly, Singapore lacks Woody.
But anyway, I'm so wicked I abused my plushies and figure...
Their pose is so perfect it's abuseable *w*
Maman was with me (along with Yuu and Sarah) and we were like two stupid twins with squeeful hearts putting Buzz and Jessie together with cute poses.
Seriously. Cute. Not there's any other meaning in it.
A full day I did only taking photos from these two... UGH MOE XD
But well... We do have some naughty poses.... *glares to the side*
Yuu noticed this pose when Man-chan and I were taking the picture from the front and she shouted; "Oh my God. If you see them from the back, the pose is just so wrong."
Well then I tried improvising HAU.
It got better in the end ♥
And this is what I did to the actual collector edition replica...
SMOOCH!!! (・∀・) ♥

D'awwwwwwwwwwww~ (n´∀`n)
Well whaddya know... I wonder if I should get a real Woody and Bullseye too :3
Oh no Boys. That smile wouldn't do good. I caught you and that's that.