Sunday, August 8, 2010


This post certainly has nothing to do with my obsession with a certain Danish Bubblegum Dance Band.
I've been thinking about collecting Barbie recently.
Not actually recently, I've been thinking of it since I don't know when.

But the thing is that collector Barbies are expensive in Jakarta. But when I got to Singapore most of them are affordable with my savings so I'm pretty excited. But I still don't know whether I will going to get them since I have to save for my Keyrig repair, a puppy, and SuJu concert ticket (YES, I AM SECRETLY--or not so now-FASCINATED BY KOREAN BOYBANDS TOO. I just never mention it)

So yeah.

I found some cutesy ones on the Takashimaya store (I haven't check other places though)


I really love the way they do the hair and the collaboration is with sanrio which is so cute and impressing. I think they also have the Hello Kitty one but the appearance isn't as cute as this one.

I'm also in love with her. She's beautiful and somewhat giving this cold icy sexiness from the USSR era. I always want to collect world edition Barbies. I have the name "Yekaterina" in mind if she's coming home with me :3

And guess who else I found...

I don't have any other words to describe this one. I'm in my own fangirl happiness already.

The store also selling "Made For Each Other" Barbie for Toy Story 3 edition which includes a remake Great shape Barbie and Animal Loving Ken, just like the one in the movie. It's on a pretty good price but I don't think I'll go for it because it feels too... merchandised. I'd rather get a Toy Story collector's item and a real Barbie collector's item.

And other one that really caught my eye since last vacation was this.

I know he looks sissy but who cares. It's Spock. I'm just aiming for the Spock though. But still I prefer an action figure if they have one. Star Trek merchandise is quite hard to look, especially the good ones.

Hmm.. This could mean I have to get a very promising job after graduating and build my self a good shelf to store all this collection so they don't have to fight places with Mom's duck collection.



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