I just experience a good moe day (but not so good school days lol), I watched "Toy Story 2". AND LOVED THE GOOD ADULT JOKES! *w*
(and some yaoi hints too~<3)
This is the first one I notice from the movie:

So Buster infiltrates Andy's Room and runs off around looking for Woody and crashes a wooden house. Then you find Mr. and Mrs. Potato unmoving with their current position inside the house. The thing is, the last time I saw them on-screen before this scene, they were doing this lovey-dovey kiss to each other... And unusually found inside a wooden toy house... which means... you know... They're married to each other but yeah...
The rest went on hilariously. And the BARBIE POOL PARTY SCENE!
The one that really pleases me was this.

I seriously didn't remember this happened at the ending!!! XD So here goes;
- A charismatic leader type character who is somewhat aloof and unemotional: MOE.
- Cannot talk straight and act awkward towards love interest: SO MOE.
- Aroused by watching at love interest doing a brave action stunt and show your covert pervertness: ULTIMATE MOE!!!! XDDDDD
I always like Buzz and Jessie since I watched it for the first time. But noticing that this happened.... I don't know. All I can do is laugh and squee.
I thought "Ratatouille" is the most somewhat adult-ish Disney-Pixar movie so far. I didn't remember find anything at "Cars" or "Monsters Inc." despite I'm watching those for hundred times already. But I guess that's just because I watched "Ratatouille" recently, being almost 20, and watch "Toy Story 2" I left for more than 10 years, I finally notice that it has been going on long ago.
And I just realized that Deschanel Sisters are SOOO MOEEEEEE~~~ TTwTT

I just found out that Imouto-san, Zooey plays the typical moe-moe, cloudcuckolander, and Manic Pixie Dream Girl character while we know the Neesan, Emily plays that spock-y Dr. Tempe "Bones" Brennan with her intelligent and static attitude. THAT IS JUST SO MOEEE!!!! XDDDDDD
And Zooey always looking with a fringe and wavy long hair. That is just too cute. ;m;

Even I died looking at them. You boys supposed to die too! AND THEY ARE SISTERS...
Kay now, going to watch Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and looking things to do my History essay. Pick up Bee at 11 and grab something to eat I guess. I'm not eating well or much lately. I dunno since when eating becomes a really boring job lately...