I haven't done anything yet *happyface*
I just left my phone carelessly on Clarke Quay after my group went for a meeting, how amazing is that? Luckily, my classmates noticed it (or found it, somehow, I don't know). So I have to go on later to take that phone back.
Phone is old, but numbers. I can't loose numbers orz
So anyway, I've been working for a new album "concept", project, I don't know. But I'm working on this album. THESE ALBUMS. It's two, a pair. Side by side album! 8D
I always want to make something like Ar Tonelico hymmnos concert albums. They have two each game, a blue side and a red side album. Usually blue has more orchestra-tic arrangements while red is upbeat and ethnic. So this red-blue thing is appealing to me.
And as I've been ranting (I don't know if I did) in the past few posts, I'm also working on a story project which I named "Project Mage" since I haven't got any fixed title yet. While working on that story, there are some songs, themes, and tracks I've produced for "illustrating" the story. Of course it's soundtrack like and mostly are inspired by soundtracks as well.
And I've been downloading so many new albums! XD I felt inspired. And oh! I just watched Imogen Heap's concert last night live via webstream. It's amazing, and inspiring since our Auntie Immi's such a goddess of mixing beautiful sounds.
So, I've planning to make a di-album (is it called "di-album"? Because two piece of side by side artwork is called "diptych" so I assume it's kinda the same). A side by side complementary album listing themes of Project Mage I specially composed. With help of my Keyrig, garage band, and my voice.
These two albums will be called "Project Mage Theme Collection" with two separate album title, "青年軍歌" and "女性賛歌".
Why kanji? Japanese? Because Japanese has this... epic effect on the title.
"青年軍歌" means "A Man's War Cry", literally "war song" but "war cry" sounds epic-er. So what's gonna be in this albums are these upbeat, battle songs, dark and/or intense tracks.
While "女性賛歌" means "A Maiden's Hymn", what will be in this album is something rather pop-ish or a calm, easy listening songs. Something that most people will probably enjoy.
So far I had 3 songs finished for "女性賛歌", 2 songs still in progress. "青年軍歌" has 4 songs finished, including the 3 main theme tracks. Another 3 songs are in progress and almost done.
I intend to make each albums has 11-12 songs in total. So that's gonna be a lot of work. 24 SONGS TOTAL *dead*
I will give previews what's inside the albums. And I will discussed my idea on cover artworks
on different post.
Of course, when it's done. It will probably freely downloadable, so don't worry.