I don't know what I should get, a Hamster, a Turtle, or simply fish.
But I recently browse this aquarium store on Plaza Singapura. It's about S$20 up for a goldfish. Fishes I can get for about S$4 are small fishes that not even bigger than my pinkie. I know I can find cheaper store across the island but the thing is I even haven't decided yet what pet I should get.
Recently I browsed hamster back in Jakarta and it was about Rp 15.000 or S$2 or so. Quite cheap and they also looked healthy too (: The expensive one are the Syrian hamster which is a little bigger than most hamsters and it has good breed too. But I haven't looked up on Singapore stores. I assume it got more expensive because small turtles I saw on the aquarium store that day was about S$4.
With that price, I guess I could afford one of them but that's not it. I also have to browse the price of its quality food, cage, and other things need to done for taking care of them. Cages are quite expensive, a lot more than the pet itsef.
I told my landlady about taking care of small pets on the flat. Because last time she was complaining about my flatmate taking care of her friend's kittens. She said hamster was okay, but the housekeeper seemed to disagree.
Because I intended to ask the housekeeper to keep it for me if I'm going back home to Jakarta lol.
Speaking of hamster, Bee's hamster just died. (;_:) Hamsku, he lived about one and a half year, it's quite normal if he leaves in such old year already. He's the one who accompanies Bee at times full of assignments from her architecture faculty. And he's quite vicious that he always bit anything that goes to him, which makes me love to tease him lol. He was stout and chubby. Bee says it reminds her to me and sometime she rubs my tummy saying "Hamskuu~!"
We'll be missing him a lot.
I, myself don't really have experience in taking care of different kind of pets. I always have cat. And that's it. My parents sometimes bought fishes though. Now my Mom still have kois around. I wanna have a dog but Mom hates dog and Dad is basically hate furry thing living in the house. But I had best days playing around with my cats.
I love Gary the most among all of them.

The story was like this, a kitten came into my house. A tuxedo cat. Nice fur and cute looks, we decided to keep him. We called him Reinhart. Dunno why but I do like weird names. He stayed for some days and he was extraordinarily obedient and understanding. My brother and My Mom loved him. But one morning my Dad's driver accidently... When he parked the car. I was on my school and when my Mom came to pick me up she brought me the sad news and she said that she and my brother already buried Reinhart on the field in front of our home. Not so long after that, came a tabby cat. We decided to take care of him again but he wasn't staying for to long and go back to his alley life. Until then, Gary came.
We named him Gary because Spongebob Squarepants is the show that something we never miss so yeah. Gary was adorable. He sometimes can be quite naughty and he broke something which I forget but I think it was a vase. He scratched my Dad's golf bag too. He was close to the family members but somehow, he doesn't let anyone else touch or carry him, even if that's my best friend. He treated Yuu unpleasantly once. O_o
But he loved to cuddle and quite photogenic, he slept in my room, accompanying me. We were close. Gary knew when I was coming home from school then he came and played with me all the time. Once Gary got a cold because of my air conditioner. He once playfully fight with me too. He scratched me all over (:
After two years and a half with Gary, we moved to a new home. I was already living that home since I was three or so and we were moving to the home I live now. I was at school and for the first time, I went to a different home. I checked to everything I've got and all is set but Gary wasn't there.
My family said Gary wasn't brought in and I protested. But he was never brought in to move anyway. Nobody, even Mom and my brother acted like nothing's matter. I didn't get a nice sleep for a couple of weeks. That house was to big, the water generator was making creepy deep sound every night, and Gary wasn't there. I dreamed about him a lot, as if he was living there.
I kinda hate to go back to that old home of mine sometimes. Most of my life was there, including Gary.
Well I did have ten cats afterward in that new home. Putri gave me the Mom, then she bore so many children, all of them are cute! Mostly I played with them but rarely take pictures of them. They were not as photogenic as Gary.