I'm always eager when it come to holidays, I finally got a chance to actually have fun without thinking how much money I have to spend or what route I'm going to take. Basically, I do anything at my home and luckily, it's the easiest and sufficient place my friends can go into so I don't really have to go anywhere. From there, things are happening. We had barbecues, sleepover, go cycling around the neighborhood, all the conventional things that you can still relate and enjoy too and yeah. Trying some drink lol. I'm not legal yet but, oh well.
I cooked. Really, I cooked. And I'm daring you to try if you're not craving for more. Speaking about cooking, we had a big cooking day when Bee's car hit by a motorcycle and she's trying to make a big apology to her mom who was out of town. Though the accident wasn't actually my friend's fault, it's the motorcycle that hits her but still. Motorcycles and their drivers are known to be ill-mannered on streets of Jakarta so the blame goes to Bee and no parents like that. So we planned this "surprise" welcome home treat with pudding and brownies. She can't cook so she asked Yuu and I to cook for her. -___-

I also went to a toy convention on early December! XD Otakus were there. So many of them. Though it's not a first time I went to an anime-game related event like that, this is the first time I feel like I don't belong there. I could say that the geeks of geeks were there and I feel like I wasn't geek enough showing up on such place. I do like being with cosplayers and fans but... It's a toy convention, figures are there, and you get the idea. (-___-) But that aside, the figures were ALL GOOD. And expensive as well. There are booths for online and card games too. The thing that actually caught my attention was a 1:6 Yukiko Amagi from P4 figure that was displayed on the "Figure Photography" booth. The thing that despise me that it wasn't for sale.
Oh, me and my best friends had our picture day! One of us; Day is on the army so he took us for a good photoshoot of us together for keepsake. It doesn't mean he won't come back (-_-) but he rarely comes home and it's been about almost 8 years that we are together so it does need to be celebrated.
Oh, me and my best friends had our picture day! One of us; Day is on the army so he took us for a good photoshoot of us together for keepsake. It doesn't mean he won't come back (-_-) but he rarely comes home and it's been about almost 8 years that we are together so it does need to be celebrated.
We had pasta afterward. There is this Japanese pasta cafe/restaurant on the city mall so curiously we went there to try what it's like. It was kinda... expensive for one plate and I don't know what people said but it was too creamy. O_o But the desert was quite nice and there are refilable drinks. Then we went straight to karaoke! XD Sang any song we can shout onto and even turn some lyrics into Norwegian.
We even went to a wedding to lol. The invitation was actually for Yuu's mom but since she's having her study on the US so I guess she misses what Indonesian wedding are like. We went there and the food was great.
So there's this hot spot on Jakarta located on an area called Kemang. There is this "Kemang Food Fest" and its neighborhood which I assume most of those who are aware to the society spend their money there, hanging out with friends, or simply just have fun. I've been there with Yuu and Bee before, accompanying Yuu's sister once. At one point on this vacation, my childhood friend, Dera asked me to hang out with her there. So I brought myself a bunch of idiots coming with me and Dera. This includes my best friends who happened to be Dera's junior high friends; Sarah and Putri, and the unmentionable freaks who happened to be my brothers. The food wasn't so great but I think it's the nuance that makes people go there. It was a fun night though.
Yuu had her wisdom teeth removed on this vacation too. So Bee and I had some time to accompany her back and forth to the hospital for check and finally the "removing" day. It had to be a surgery because four of them is removed at the same time. So we waited and helped Yuu and her Mom after the surgery.
I have a full list that record worth memorable during the whole vacation but guess what this blog will be if I put all of them into it. Some are confidentials too lol. So I guess this would be it for Winter vacation and Summer's coming up next!