Monday, May 10, 2010


Finally. I'm going home...
I was kinda busy packing things up for going home and actually have no idea what to put into the blog. I was thinking about writing my secret obsession about furry characters in the 90s but the good sources was kinda limited. They apparently don't really exist anymore. But yeah. Briefly speaking about that, I DID obsessed with furries. Or perhaps I still do...

Seeing furries makes me miss my childhood day. I know it's a broad genre but kids show love to use anthropomorphic animals as the main characters apparently to look interesting for the curious mind of children. So apparently I grew up with those kind of characters on the afternoon TV show.

Disney Afternoon was my best friend. Name it. Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers was like "OF COURSE!" Mighty Ducks, I didn't get to watch it at the time but later found out. Also Tale Spin, Darkwing Duck, and Duck Tales. Dad subscribed us into Uncle Scrooge comic books. So I pretty much engaged with Disney on so many ways.

Noooooo... This doesn't apply to me.

You get the best of both worlds!!!! XD .... err... No! You didn't hear me sang that! D:

You gotta admit, they have one of the best theme song of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Other than Disney, I suppose WB do the job too. Space Jam! YES! That was a win back then. And ROAD ROVERS, I can't seem to get enough of them. And screw you Cold War propaganda for canceling the series (bad rating too, I guess, which I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY~) Seriously, it's borderline obsessed, I'm still fangirling to the series until now since 1997. And furry porn did a great job to make me having great nightmares for the rest of my life (though it's inevitable. Rule 34. My blog probably have its porn too).

The only thing that can keep me to my innocence.

It was love at first sight. I couldn't stop fangirling against them just after I watched it. I stayed at night just to draw fanarts, I tape recorded EVERY SINGLE EPISODE (though the tapes are mostly gone now but hey! There's this thing called teh interwebs...) I ship Hunter and Colleen to the boot and have a violent-tsundere crush on Blitz. Oh how I miss the glory days~ But... After the fangirl re-watched the show after 11 years not seeing it... She begins to move her ship towards the other couple. Other couple?

Blitz: "I wanna bite their butts!"
Exile: "Don't be a weird boy..."

And also I later realized that... Blitz talked in an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent.

I also used to obsessed with Crash Bandicoot, but I don't really play the new games after CTR though ('^') Yeah, it's kinda different. But that doesn't really matter though. Things change, but I'd stick to the ones in my generation lol~

I also secretly in love with Sly Cooper. My Brother bought the game, my first reaction was; "FURRIES! *w*"
So I secretly watched my brother when he played.
Secretly browse pics and fanarts...
Secretly worship the ship...
It's not so secret anymore though.

I actually prepare some fanarts for this fill... But... Too lazy to scan and edit~



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