Sunday, March 21, 2010

Previews and Philosophy

Bee posted her trip!!!
Forgive us for posting our improper pictures up there...
I even forget to tell that the curry actually works! (apparently the picture is gone within the storage cleaning last Wednesday... =__=)
I still keep some but... It was there on the fridge since two weeks ago and I... uh... Errr... Guess I have to check if it is still edible or not. The thing is I'm really good at wasting food. Sometimes I get moody and picky in eating something. I could turn around aimlessly on supermarket or food court for hours, not knowing what to have. *sigh* Remember the cute Japanese chocolate I bought? They haven't entirely eaten. In fact they still have good amount of them. I guess I'm just gonna bring them to school and give it away to my friends. Sharing won't hurt (:

I wasted my money for Nietzsche and Kierkegaard lol, but it's worthed (for me, at least) to buy though. Still some would think that is wasting money (perhaps Mom... "I thought you're saving for a Bali trip!" Don't worry Mom, I still have some. It's not manga anyway so yeah. Don't worry.) I'm still browsing through my new Either/Or (while Beyond Good and Evil stays still on the bag O.o). I'm quite engaged at The Musical Erotic part (NO! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!) and browsing through The Seducer's Diary since Kierkegaard is famous with his... romance-with-sad-ending... yeah.

Philosophy is interesting though. I even can get enough of Sophie's World. It takes time to really swallow what's inside. But that book is seriously engaging for basic philosophy. Actually my Literature teacher recommended it when I was 14. No wonder he did so. Bee read it already, straight by that recommendation. She loved it by saying "Makes me love lego even more..."

So I told Bee I'm reading Kierkegaard. Bee said she hasn't really browse deep through his work. I explained to her that I'm interested since he seems to think the way as I think, good explanation to absurdity and what it means to existence, develop a good love for his God from his philosophy, interestingly heartbroken, and apparently a good-looking Dane. Bee gave me straight ROTFL. Well I think everyone should. Or at least a flat face.

Now time for some preview! I've been trying all the jam packs! Experimenting here and there and do create some songs and here they are;

No title yet but apparently will be used for a Irish/Scotland/Northern part of the UK BGM pattern.

Everyone says my works are too video game soundtrack-ish. Well yeah. I want it to be that way. This girl really wants to get that video game composer job since she was little. Especially Bemani. I KNOW I REALLY REALLY SUCK AT BEATMANIA, but I really love that game and the songs. Oh the songs!!! XD
Anyway, this one... I was going to make it Irish. It is Irish (combined with Scottish on is opening and bridge) but somehow it sounds like Yasunori Mitsuda on his Chrono Cross. O.o And that's pretty disappointing actually. It doesn't sound really original anymore. To be honest, I reference this composition to my Muji world music CD I bought with Bee. But somehow sounds like Home Termina BGM... (of course, I really remember that place since Dad seems want me to hook up with Norris for no reason and that place seems to remind me to Skelly a lot...)
But still. They have bodhran track!!! I am truly fascinated!

Gentle Wind

This one's the orchestra experiment. I was thinking about a theme for a sweet-sweet dramatic scene. So I made this. Something that will be played on a scene that makes people go squee and tearjerking. It doesn't sound to orchestra-ish though. I have to practice more.

So there is this bossa-nova music I made, something that will be a theme on hotel lobby somewhere on a beach (or perhaps a beachy town like Costa del Sol)

Electric Fan Bossa

Since I was thinking of hotel lobby... What would be on hotel lobby, gave this cozy feeling, makes you wanna go straight to the beach, have fun in the sun, and all thing that reminds you to summer? Yes. Electric fan. Whatever type it is. Comes the title. For making it a bossa-nova... I just love bossa-nova since little. It always remind me of summer. This is one of the earliest songs I compose on garage band.

But since I got the whole new jam pack... I can't resist to make a better version of this song. They have this brazillian sun drums loop and it was more bossa than the previous loop. Also the guitars. Then I created this;

Air-conditioner Bossa

Electric fan turns to something cooler. Bee said "So it evolves..." (I made this when she was staying). And it's quite amusing too, it even has a refrain! I really love the opening. The chords is more moving than before too.

I'm still thinking to post my vocalize songs here. I want to classify them and turn them to doujin (indie) albums first. But BGM is also good enough.

Time to go to sleep now. Actually this migraine and acid reflux of mine have been annoying since midnight... and class' at 7. Teacher's a killer. You know what to do.



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