Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Started A Blog

No, not about Prussia! XD

I made myself another blog to fill up my literature habits--in Indonesian though. Basically bored and just wanna get myself write a little bit more like I did back then...

With penahangus derived from "Pena Hangus" which means "Burnt Pen" in Indonesian. Entitled "Million letters fell and swept away", a verse from a poem once my literature teacher read on my class. He taught me when I was on junior high and taught me ever since. He and my other literature teachers there gave me the passion to read, write, know more from many point of views. Gotta thank them a lot. (:
I kinda miss the times they encouraged me, taught me many things, talks on our book clubs, and stuff. They knew I'm not academically good but put faith on my passion of literature...
(Yea, a book girl, can imagine my nerdy life back then, huh?)

The blog itself basically philosophy and literature all together. Subject revolves around politics, history, psychology, and social science. I do interested on those subject but still wondering why I chose management instead... Well... There's an "Art" before the "Management" there anyways XD

Feel free to look at~



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