Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stockholm or Helsinki?

So I was visiting the library on my Junior High. I volunteered to teach History and English on a same day for the juniors. It was break time and I waited for the bell to ring because next is my English class and the nearest place I can hang on to is the library.

So I browsed and whirled around carelessly and intended to look for my favorite books (it's a children serial encyclopedia about medicine and time and space. Yes. I still remember what were my favorites after more than 5 years) and I passed across these high school students sitting on one of the tables and I overheard their talk.

If the speech ain't wrong it was something like this

Girl 1: "Yea so this someone is choosing around between Stockholm or Helsinki."
Girl 2: "Oh, so does this person already choose where s/he wanna go?"
Girl 1: "Probably (mention one of the cities). But which one do you think have the most handsome guys? Stockholm or Helsinki?"

A fangirl nearby can't just stand on not doing anything. Since bumping and telling them what I think would be very awkward, I posted a comment (either on twitter or somewhere else) about what I think at the moment:

"Two girls are wondering which one has the most handsome guys; Stockholm or Helsinki. It depends, either you're looking for a cold but gentle man or a sweet but wild man. But basically they're all adorable. But personally, I PREFER COPENHAGEN."

Something like that and not so long after that I found my favorite book I used to read 7 years ago.



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