Friday, September 17, 2010

YUMMY WEEKEND: Apple cider and honey roast chicken

So my Mom gave me this... Diet recipe involving apple cider and honey. So you suppose to drink a tablespoon of apple cider, a tablespoon of honey, and 150cc water, and stir well. I admit it was terrible but I was amazed that "Whoa! If I can get the measurements right, this can be a great marinade!"
So it wasn't that bad after all!

So I started look for recipe references, anything including chicken and honey. Because I want it to be chicken, chicken is perfect for honey glazed taste. And I carved for sushi just today and went in to the supermarket so I thought since it's weekend, why not trying the recipe I just founded.

Here it is:
I used 3 pieces of chicken thighs.
Because it's only me eating so I don't think to buy too much. I use chicken thigh because it's my favorite part of chicken meat. But you can substitute it with other chicken parts like breast, drumstick, wings, or whatever part you like.
So, the marinade I made is scaled to 3 pieces of chicken thigh.

- About 6 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
- 3 tablespoon of Apple cider
- 5 tablespoon of honey
- 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon of paper
- 1 teapoon of salt
- and a teaspoon of mixed herbs
And mix them together!

Actually, you can adjust the seasoning to your preference but for the apple cider and honey is about 3:5.

Prepare a bowl to marinate. Thrust chicken with fork evenly before marinating. Put the chicken and marinade together, cover bowl with plastic wrap, put in on a fridge 4-6 hours. You can also use a container since it comes with a lid. For maximum marinating, I usually go on for at least 10-12 hour.

After marinating prepare your oven tray, glazed with butter, and roast the chicken. Preheat oven for about 15 minutes on 200-300 degree heat. Go for 300 degree, roast it about 30-45 minutes. That's the standard time and heat if I wanna roast chicken evenly.

The thing is, I don't have an oven on my apartment (BIG OTZ) so I have to use a sautee pan, simmered with a tablespoon of butter and "roast" it. It gets sooo ugly and burnt on the outside, but the taste and the texture is fine and IT'S SO NICELY JUICY (*p*) It's wonderful.

No picture because it's sooo ugly, but it taste good though. The one I just "roast" is marinated for 6 hours. I'm gonna roast the rest tomorrow and perhaps I can update a picture of it.



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