Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rants and Recipe

All I can think about now is only cooking, songs, and cooking.
And budget.

Yes, I have to come with an estimated budget to plan my school event. It's not just a school event, it's a requirement to pass this diploma year. Sigh.

But that aside I just experimented with ponzu sauce. Basically it's a citrus based sauce originated from Japanese. Ponzu shoyu, ponzu sauce mixed soy sauce sometimes appear as a condiment in sushi restaurant.

The thing is, I still have a half bottle of lime juice in my fridge. I used it for my key lime pie. I need to figure out other use (I'm thinking about making fruitful tea with it and my dried fruit teabags).

So it's just hit to my head when I was watching a nabe preparation video and "Hey! Let's use the lime juice for ponzu sauce!"

Ponzu contains taste from citrus based fruits (oranges, for short), konbu dashi (seaweed stock), bonito dashi, mirin, and sake. Since I'm going to use it on a ramen, I just combine my lime juice straight to the soy sauce. Go to wiki page for further explanation.

Here was the measurements:
1 1/2 tbs lime juice
1 tbs soy sauce
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs chopped negi (spring onion)

Disolve them.

For the ramen, I used my Korean ramen, put aside it's packaged seasoning (probably gonna use it for something else), and throw a couple mushroom meatballs.

So for the soup:
1 tbs mirin
1 tbs sake
A half of ready made dashi stock
A half of ready made udon seasoning
(you can find them boxed on supermarkets, one box comes with a couple packaged)
A half of cubed chicken stock
And throw in the ponzu

After let it disolve with water, throw the ramen in.
Wait until it cooks, I like mine really soft so I usually go forth more than 5 minutes.
And I currently have my gum wrecked, swollen, and hurt due to my growing wisdom tooth so it's best to keep it soft and chewable.

Salt and pepper to taste, garnish with negi.

It was REALLY GOOOD~~~ *Q*
And amazingly my hurting gum healed. Too bad I'm too full halfway eating it.

But I really want to improve this recipe. I wanna make a better homemade ponzu sauce. I do this with a ready made lime juice so yeah.

It's so tasty you have this refreshing sour, sweet, and savory blend in your mouth. Deliciouuuus~~~

I'm also planning to make my own ultimate ramen stock from scratch. But have to wait to try it on my Mom's kitchen in Jakarta.

But first, I'm planning to make Korean dishes and Cottage/Sheperd's Pie to my own amusement as soon as I got there.

BONUS: By the way, I'm currently infatuated with Strike Witches' Elia. I know this is not related to the topic but SHE IS JUST SO MOEEEE~~~ Apparently it has something to do with another history/world war comic I read before...



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