It turned out cute~ (:
I planned to make Igiko first but I left the sketch back in Jakarta and this girl, once again, is too lazy to draw new one. And after all, I'm in love with the Nordics lately so why don't we turn this "uke"s into actual girl and put some moe-moe touch in it.
It's not that tidy though (look at the key hole!). But it does look really cute and I can't wait to hang it on my school bag~
Guess I'm going to make a live journal account for selling things lol (<--She never made one, to lazy to register. Stupid enough).
These past two days I've been having diarrhea and first two days of my period at the same time. I manage to go to classes until I finally something bad happened at school which I don't wanna talk about, and I'm sure no one wanna hear that out regarding to this stupid diarrhea. I skipped a class but thank God I managed to buy things I needed for my craft. This diarrhea had been butting in to my plans too. It's annoying.
Well, since I have nothing to do so I made this. Of course with countless toilet breaks. I'm going to make pins/badges too. Can't wait to have that.
So today earlier, I bumped in this video. Each of the Nordics sings into their 2009 Eurovision contest songs. So I decided to look for theirs...
...and I'm in love with "Fairytale" lol (surprisingly the singer was born in Belarus lol)
I admit the Nordic fiddling on the intro is kinda good... But there is this funny feeling when you hear the melody, and the diction he uses for the lyrics. It's kinda cheesy lol. But it's addicting in one way and another. I'd say, it is a good guilty pleasure.
I also browsed to other countries' song outside the Nordics, actually many songs are quite nice and "selling" compared to this "Fairytale". I wonder what made it win the first place...
But still this fangirl laughed when she heard "Every day, we started fighting. Every night we fell in love."
You, my friend, as a Norwegian, has truly written some lyrics that satisfy any DenmarkxNorway shippers out there. *evillaugh*
Oh, I personally really, really in love with Estonia's.
Speaking of Eurovision, I just knew it when I went to college. Knowing such music contest exists, I feel like I miss some best events for so many years lol. They never broadcast it on Indonesia (like, duh of course). Even in cable channels. But I think it will be so interesting if regions outside Europe can have a glimpse on it.