Friday, April 23, 2010

All Those Eurodance Weirdness part 2


Brief recap on the week, was quite hard. We had some group struggle and I probably had some of my stuff penalized because a late due time. I also wasn't sure on the last question on my accounting test...

An that aside...

Europe Unites for Eurodance
and Epilogue
(WARNING! Some videos may have NSFW content due to E-Rotic erotic song...)

So we have been walking around Scandinavian countries to see about their scoop on Eurodance. Since the title is Eurodance, don't you wonder if the other European countries own the same quirky and bold approach on Eurodance genre...

Actually, not that much since we already know some that is proven to pwn the club music internationally...

Like this...

...and this artist too...

Good sound MTV presented back then~

I bet you start singing with the synth now...

So I think the rest of Europe isn't so cheesy after all.


I remember about this DDR featured artist that constantly moans on EVER SINGLE SONG. It's not even sexy to me back then. The sexual theme was too blatant, it's not even funny, too trashy it becomes a fetish retardant whole together.

Yes, please welcome E-Rotic. Duh, hence the band name.

Originated from Germany, and I don't know how many times they change members, all their song is about SEX. Most of them. Like I said before, they try to get this naughty image but I don't know they somehow ended up wrong and everything they have sounded weird to my ears. I mean, come on. Sex is not a new thing in music industry. It's common. People slips the Freudian euphemism every time and sometimes it takes time for us to even aware of it. But doing it... Almost as cheesy as a porn with plot thing...

Ma'am, We have a delivery for your husband...

So... This is what their songs are like.

So... Hospital porn anyone?

Ua-ua-a-aa-- Burusamikosu Yappa ira--- Wait! I thought it was another song!

The fact that it was Eurodance after all that they was quite popular and it's so easy to dance with. It even outwits Japanese weirdness back then in the 90s. Though, they do import it to Japan and become popular as well...

And speaking about how Eurodance is sooooo popular in the country of the weirds... *cough* Sorry, East... Apparently Germany tries to stand out Sweden's Japaneseque.


Say hello to Shanadoo. Eurodance pop group consisting four genuine Japanese girls despite their origin from Germany. Think about merging together with Perfume. They do covers of E-Rotic's songs and THANK GOD THEY CHANGE THE LYRICS! It still sound a bit sexual though but at least they sound good enough and not as trashy as E-Rotic.

They also sings in gratuitous English... Which is surprisingly quite good. Then again, they originated from a well globe-going Europe. Doesn't mean that Japan isn't globe-going, they just love their language too much and forget to learn the universal globe language most of the time.

Another thing about them is, apparently the European producers didn't do the research well, as you can hear from the previous "King Kong" song, "Wasn't that supposed to be a Chinese melody on the opening!?" Perhaps thinking that viewers are dumb and cannot difference the distinctions of East Asian cultures...

This one is quite nice actually, but still... They're Japanese...

Isn't Shanghai a Chinese city...? But whatever. ASIAN GIRLS!!

So to think that this one is quite unique for cross-culture or something that has been there done that is up to you... Hmmm... Lots of reference from TV Tropes for this one...

Oh. I did mention about Vengaboys, didn't I?

And probably you've heard about this one...

Oops, sorry, wrong video.

Okay. I know what are you thinking about these guys.

I also wonder why most of the cheesier part is in Germany... Close to Denmark perhaps?

And speaking of Denmark...

Okay, I just wanna do a fangirling moment...

So, how exactly big BIG Eurodance in Europe anyway?

Well, THIS BIG...


Finland is good with it too...


And note that was the recent 2009 one. I don't know how many times they did this...

So next time you find a weird cheesy thing with catchy tunes... It's probably Eurodance, again. And note that EURODANCE + WEIRD VIDEO = MEME. So you can't exactly runaway from its cheesiness. This might be it. Enjoy the Eurodance night and I will keep posting for the April Special. Next topic will be FURRY FANDOM...



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