Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So yeah, I was on the supermarket today, buying some instant food and some spices. Then I bumped into vegetable juice...

Yes, the one like Hatsune Miku sings about...

Since I have a tendency to eat/drink whatever I watch then I tried buying one of them. I didn't actually take the green one, I was kinda afraid what the taste would be like, but still curious so yeah.

I grabbed the pink one, it has some berries on it (should I mention it also contains beet, parsley, and other stuff you usually spare on your dinner?)
The taste was fine though. I think I'm gonna try some more XD

So yeah, I have fun with the can...

YES! MIKU TELLS YOU TO DRINK YOUR VEGETABLE JUICE! IT'S ONLY 200 ¥! (Well, though it's about S$2 here)



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