You have just received an invitation from France-Niisan. You may request whom you want to see striped.

I love France-Niisan! XD He's hilarious. I keep on flipping back the christmas and April fool strip just to see him do the action. He's got away with the memetic molester tag already. And why the Nekomimi one? Naked people are funny lol~
He's a good asset on showbiz, not just for his hilarity for being naked and mimicking a molester, but he gives the service to every single APH fan by stripping or cosplay-ing other characters lol
Drawing him like this kinda remind me of Shadow Hearts: Covenant stud card key item. In case you don't know, you have to collect gay porn cards (with pictures of males from various countries, along with their flag as the background) to trade with dresses that will add and increase your doll's magic. Well, because the tailor is simply... Gay...
I think I'm gonna make some fanarts about those stud cards featuring Hetalia characters in it! XD
Just the picture...
France-Niisan will come tonight and see you...
Axis Powers Hetalia © Himaruya Hidekaz