My latest obsession...
I'm a bit late again, am I? OTL
But I manage to catch up all the strips and the episodes less than a week, I even collect the drama CDs and Character CDs. Still hunting for things I don't have and I'm saving for the tankoubon! XD
Since this series are attached in my head, several postings ahead will talk about this series. Be surprised.. =__=
Chibitalia is my favorite section.
I don't know why, many stories actually use that kind of twist. But somehow I find it quite more romantic than the others... (Perhaps because the tsun tsun and cute Ger... I mean, Holy Roman Empire...) I'm not really into shota yaoi actually but this one is incredibly sweet, I almost died! (゜д゜)
And I started imagining if I have such a lovely childhood love story *drools*
Perhaps one of the cutest part is HRE thought that Italy was a girl. Italy does act like a girl anyway so it has this lovey-dovey-oh-so-sweet-it-will-cause-diabetes-on-you about a young boy and a young "girl" being in love with each other, separated in a rather sad manner, and they meet up again as adults without ...*censored because possible spoiler*... (But I think you guys already know this anyway)....
I never get bored watching the episode where Italy doesn't want HRE to be like Grandpa Rome...
It was a sweet scene, for a... "girl" saying that "she" likes the boy just the way he is. Classic, cheesy, but it just appeals.

...with HRE walks away in tears kinda tickles me XD

And of course the goodbye episode. The anime... May not as silly as the strip, but GIVING PANTIES IS JUST HILLARIOUS! XD
And about "She's not wearing panties when we kissed"... I just can't get enough laugh and adore how cute HRE is~! XD
*Neesan likes pervert boys lol*

And he also dreams that he meets up with Italy when they grow up... Though HRE dreams it with a girl Italy lol...
Then I come up with this
More likely my response to the strip...
So cute~ XD
And fanmade video actually burst me into tears....
And of course I started being tsundere and cried "Why am I crying, I look so stupid!"
*Yes you are, stupid... =__=;*
The last time I cried was when I watched Julia Robert's "My Best Friend's Wedding". I cried on the ending though, when she danced with Rupert Evert and it has some... Relieved feeling on it that makes you wanna cry. Before that I cried on CSI:NY season 5 finale... and I think before that again... I cried on "RENT". The last anime I cried on is Shoujo Kakumei Utena, the ending was more into dramatic friendship philosophy rather than its yuri-ness... successfully made me cry ;__;
When the audience cry on a purposed situation on a script/drama, that means it is successful lol
Well yeah, back to Hetalia, HRExChibitalia is my OTP (and it's cannon!). Since HRE thinks Italy is a girl, I convince myself Italy is a girl as well lol. (Which made me come up with various doodles of genderbent Italy).
But it settles nice on me... Then if what all the fans predicting about HRE is true... It will be so wonderful...