I actually still have no idea what to put on my blog. I was thinking about being like some Japanese Artists out there and post artworks here, but that seems not really working either. I'll try anyway. This is just me being lazy to think and do some artwork too....
Well, time to do some real posting here. I'll throw my works and some of my daily activities.
Persona 4 goes first. I know it's kinda late but oh well. I didn't make any presentable fanarts since then. The last time I played this game was back at June and never played it since... =__=; I tried the new game +, just for the thrill and managed to finish it about a week or so. New Game + already has all so it doesn't really challenging. People now are waiting for Persona 3 Portable, it has this new girl character, we call her "Minako" as the girl counterpart of Minato, the original main character. I didn't search infos though, for some reason it doesn't really interest me. =__= I don't know why either... Perhaps Persona 3 has so many continuities already... Maybe I just go around and ask people what the game actually like, lol. The Japanese version will be released on November 11th if I'm not mistaken. So Shin Megami Tensei fan especially Persona's better not that date ^ ^
Oh~! The fanart... 'Kay here goes...

My Personal favorite. I did this a couple months ago. Pretty much taking my attention among other things...
And a Shadow Naoto for you! XD
Everybody seems to like her very much. Perhaps because of her cutesy-childish-crybaby personality...

And here's Yukiko-san. I was experimenting a ways to do sketches, so I don't need rough sketch base and a tidy lineart. This is the result. Shadow Naoto was done in pretty much the same way, but I tidy up a bit on it.

Then goes the horrible ones....
Yes, they are my favorite pairing. I do ship KanjixNaoto and my fujoushi instict ships SoujixYosuke, but they don't effect me too much. Maybe because Evil is Sexy, so yeah...

Again. In Yasogami High Uniform! XD
So Moe.... I might die~
And.... This one....
NSFW. I guess... OTL
Lineart done in Illustrator ^ ^
Now for some Relax-O-Vision...

I personally HATE this pairing *evil laugh* But someone requested it so I tried my guts to draw them. Pretty challenging. She asked Souji carry Naoto in this manner, was a hard pose actually and I think I messed up with Souji's head over there because of my scrappy perspective sense. =__=; But it was kinda fun drawing something you actually hate and put effort on it. I felt proud afterwads... (=ワ=)〜*
Since this was my junk when I had my vacation... I spent my vacation (June-July) catching up CSI:NY season 4 and 5. Guess what I found out. Curse those scriptwriters, I cried out loud on season 5 finale and I felt so wasted. Oh, not to mention the cliff hanger ending. Kinda bugs me actually. And since August and September are common months for TV series to take break, I waited foolishly for the next season, while catching up Bones lol.

Straight after the finale. I think I won't watch it again, it drives me to tears. I always avoid shows that made me cried. I am a tsundere on that sort of situation lol.
And they became my instant OTP! XD Thankfully I watch the finale first and then 520....
It's Stella, Lindsay, and our beloved Angell...
And while I'm catching bones, I made this after watching their couple counseling session bonus clip...
It's so obvious lol... Booth and Bones are the best! And Their season 4 finale pretty hanging too...
That's all for the junks I think. I'll post some worthy things, I swear... =_____=