Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The 3rd Birthday Fanart and some rants

I should say that I hate, HATE, HATE,
...The 3rd Birthday.

I might go a whole page about this but no. I don't wanna waste my energy for a fanraeg. I'd rather save for fangirling to my new infatuation...

Yeeeessss.... 5 boys with their own quirks, in good-looking racing suit with ultra awesome cars. Don't worry, I don't about forget Agura. In fact, I kinda consider her as my partner in crime since she's... You know... Surrounded with hot boys? *nudge*
And if you shorten the title to its initial letters, it's BF5, BoyFriend5.

Though actually I'm here to talk about The 3rd Birthday. Post something to be exact. I know I hate almost the whole thing inside the game but I can't help to pour the emotions into fanart and let's say this is my empathy for said game.

Spoiler Ahoy:

Poor Eve is now an orphan, dwells her dead sister's (obviously presumably not virgin) body, and live alone in this cruel, cruel world. Curse you, Square-Enix. Curse you with all my heart ♥
*rant rant rant*
The only good thing is they might lived a happy life after PE2, then The 3rd Birthday happens. Oh, cruel, cruel fate meddling Square's executives.

Now, excuse me, I'm going back to my BF5 and forget this ever exists.



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