Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Winter Fashion by Elmo

I bought new earmuffs! \(○^ω^○)/
I noticed it since it looks like (here goes my Battle Force 5 appeal) Stanford's in "Cold as Ice" episode. (Yes, anything I buy relates to anything I watch). I mean, it's really PURPLE and it's puffy... and it's cute. AND STANFORD WEARS SUCH THING. Yeah.

I wasn't exactly looking for earmuffs. I mean, what would it do on tropical country anyways. I was roaming around daiso since my recorder fell and broke. I got to get a new one. Then I passed through winter accessories section and find those babies laying around. Had Stanford in mind, I grabbed it. I'm not sure but probably they'll come to use one day.

So to save space, I wear it on Elmo.

I just had to put a scarf to make it more... stylish.



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