Thursday, November 25, 2010

Welcome Abroad to Manzo's Ship(s)

I kinda mourn about my rare OTP shipping and Fandom base-ing...
It's hard to look for fanart. OTZ
But it feels thrilling and exciting once you find a really good one because it's extra rare. But still, how are you going to present yourself to fanartists outside when you have such... unrecognizable fandom/OTPs. It feels... alienated.

So let's start from a fandom with a good amount of people in it.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Project Mage Theme Collection Preview!

Even though not exactly exact character songs, some tracks has relation to the characters I based the composition and lyrics upon. The lyrics is more of a musicalized image of the spell they cast, sort of.

From 青年軍歌;

INGELAÕIAN (Nero's Demon Invication)

I just love the composition. It's ambient, creepy, somewhat sensual, and to spoil all the fun, singer has to whisper a bit... seductively in the end of the track orz *criez* This is somewhat inspired by the Madonna-esque 90s era with creepy demon-summoning latin chanting. Also borrowing some styles from Shoji Meguro's RnB-Jazz ambience. This song is almost done. I only need to chant a bit more on the last refrain.
This track, somehow, spoils the story plot as well.

PURIPHLOGOS (Athanos' Fire Chant)

HAS TO HAVE AN EPIC BATTLE SONG NO MATTER WHAT. Though arrangements slightly has PNEUMA's reminiscent. I feel so fail. But nonetheless, I still have to work even harder because it's only half way finished.


From 女性賛歌;

PETALOUDA (Parthenia's Poem for the Souls)

I wanna make that typical songs that appears on your typical RPG, sung by your typical RPG  plot-device girl. That's why it's in Japanese. As if this song was extracted from your typical J-RPG soundtrack. And my Megumi has to sing this piece because we need a very cute squeaky Japanese singing voice.

Eleonora's Song

A sad song about unrequited love, basically. Because this album has the female characters as the based of the themes, so love-related song is expected. This is telling about the unlucky childhood friend archetype character. She gets better in the ending though. So yeah, this girl try to sincerely let go her love interest to bear his destiny and purse his own actual true love. Sort of.

So yeah. If there are at least more songs is actually finished, I will make a full view to the songs.

Rants and New Album Project

I haven't done anything yet *happyface*

I just left my phone carelessly on Clarke Quay after my group went for a meeting, how amazing is that? Luckily, my classmates noticed it (or found it, somehow, I don't know). So I have to go on later to take that phone back.

Phone is old, but numbers. I can't loose numbers orz

So anyway, I've been working for a new album "concept", project, I don't know. But I'm working on this album. THESE ALBUMS. It's two, a pair. Side by side album! 8D



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