RE4 Piccies collections. Since I played this game about... Three years ago, except the crappiness of the pic. Oh my gosh! The pic says "2005"! Explains everything... - -

By the way... I'm ordering RE5 via Play-Asia. The package is already shipped and... probably that game is actually already arrived to Jakarta by now. Still, it sucks, coz apparently postal service back in Indonesia is as slow as a slug and I don't know how come, I ordered on March 13th if I'm not mistaken and the package haven't delivered to my home until now. Seriously, My Dad and I are just waiting like dumb for that thing.
Usually, if Play-Asia says it will be estimated at certain time of shipping, it does. Like if I order something and I;d like to deliver it to my address in Singapore, it always arrive on time. Maybe only 1 or 3 days late. But delivering it to Indonesia is a different matter. I waited almost two month the last time I order a thing to be ship there. And I got a delivery charge for that. It's not that expensive, but you get your package as late as hell and you get charged for that. Get what I mean? I shouldn't ask to be delivered to Indonesia but since I can't play it here on Singapore, I have to send it there. And... My Dad's is a Resident Evil fan too, in fact, he's the one who had been poisoning his beloved daughter with that game since I was eight years old. He live there, back in Indonesia, so yeah. He has the privilege to play that game before me. But yeah... The posting system... It sucks.
I'll be home to Indonesia this May, and can't wait to receive the package and play the game... If it is arrived, of course... -__-