The current obsession I'm really really into these days. Yes, it's Atlus' Shin Megami Tensei's spin off; Persona 4. I'm pretty much active to look for its merchandise, fanarts, and stuff. Anyways, I just got new items for my P4 collections.

Pam pada-daaah~
Three items in a row. XD

The official artbook, I actually have the scanned version but having the real one feels different. Seeing it live and scanned... Okay, you know the difference.

Manga Anthology, this is the eighth so far.... Yeah... I got another seven back home...
What surprise me is actually this;

A novel. Yes, a Persona 4 novel. It's surprising coz when I browse for P4 related things they never actually mention a novel. I found it unexpectedly too when I browse to the novel section, wondering if there is something interesting I can buy for a friend but instead I found this. So yeah. Hurrily grabbed it. I haven't really read it but from the glance after I opened this thing, I think it's telling Chie, Yosuke, and Yukiko's personal point of views... Oh, and Kuma's too.
So yeah, I'm looking forward to get the Persona 4 official fanbook too. Collecting merchadise has been the habit of mine since I started aware for being obsessed to a fandom.
Can't wait to put in on the shelf and arrange them nicely back home~ XD