Friday, November 25, 2011

Fuckyeahmahasiswa's take on Gamer Guys (and my ramblings)

Jujur gue agak geli dengan pendapat salah seorang mahasiswa yang juga gamer tentang kisahnya atau entah temannya sesama gamer yang begitu susahnya dapat pacar idamannya. Gue ingin beropini sedikit boleh kan, toh tujuannya gue juga ingin menolong sobat gue yang notabene sesama mahasiswa dan gamer. :D
Memang tidak semua gamer punya talenta bermacam-macam. Belum tentu seorang gamer yang jago ngegame bisa main musik. Belum tentu juga jago olahraga. Tapi setidaknya di samping jago ngegame, pasti dia punya kelebihan yang lain kan yang menarik? Paling tidak selama hidup lo pasti adalah cewek yang tertarik dengan bakat lo selain main game. Kalau ngga ada sama sekali yang tertarik ya.. derita lo hehe :p
Ah ngga juga kok, titel seorang gamer bukanlah patokan tentang kesetiaan. Ngga ada hubungannya sama sekali sob. Gamer dibilang setia karena tiap hari kerjaannya di net, jarang jalan, kalau jalan paling cuma sama anak-anak net dan lo bilang pasti lo setia karena bakal JARANG KETEMU SAMA CEWEK, gitu kan?
Coba deh ditelaah lagi, tiap hari lo ngegame, nongkrong di net dan bahkan JARANG KETEMU CEWEK. Kalau lo sendiri jarang ketemu cewek gimana mau dapat pacar sob. Jadi ngga ada sejarahnya gamer bisa dikatakan setia karena cuma nongkrong di net dan ngga bakal selingkuh karena KETEMU CEWE AJA JARANG.

Gue bakal coba memaparkan dari dua sudut pandang sesuai yang gue alami, so sebisa mungkin gue netral ya.
  1. Cewek bilang: Cowok gamer lebih mentingin dunia game ketimbang ceweknya. | Lo bilang: Ngga juga tergantung pribadi masing-masing, ngga semuanya begitu. | gue bilang: Itu betul, semua laki-laki yang mampu berpikir secara dewasa pasti tahu yang namanya membuat PRIORITAS.
  2. Cewek bilang: Cowok gamer suka ngabisin duit main game terus. | Lo bilang: Selama ngga pake uang cewek ngga apa | gue bilang: Memang betul selama ngga pake uang si cewek ngga apa, tapi kalau pake waktu si cewek cuma buat nemenin lo? Apa mereka mau? Gue sendiri juga ogah berjalan berlama-lama nganterin belanja cewek gue, makanya ngga heran kalau banyak laki-laki entah itu masih pacaran atau udah nikah, tiap ada kesempatan maka lebih milih duduk daripada berdiri jalan-jalan ikut muter-muter cari barang ini itu :p
  3. Cewek bilang: Rata-rata cowok gamer dianggap cupu kan maksudnya. | Lo bilang: Ngga semuanya begitu. | gue bilang: Pendapat tersebut sama aja seperti pendapat kalau “SEMUA GAMER COWOK ITU SETIA”. So, lo udah tahu jawabannya tanpa gue perlu ngejelasin lagi kan?
  4. Cewek bilang: Cowok gamer jarang mandi karena keranjingan naikin level (atau intinya keranjingan ngegame). | Lo bilang: Ini bener. | gue bilang: Si cewek berhak ngga mau sama cowok gamer, gue sendiri juga ngga mau lihat cewek gue jarang mandi lalu jalan bareng gue.
  5. Cewek bilang: Cowok gamer rata-rata perokok. | Lo bilang: Rata-rata, ngga semuanya begitu. | gue bilang: Lagi-lagi pernyataan yang sama sekali ngga berdasar. No need further explanation.
  6. Cewek bilang: Tidak memperhatikan dunia luar, intinya jarang gaul. | Lo bilang: Ngga selamanya di depan kompi terus, bisa buta ini mata. | gue bilang: Balik lagi apa para cowok gamer itu bisa menentukan PRIORITAS atau tidak. Oke, ngga selamanya di depan kompi terus karena memang ngga baik juga untuk kesehatan (ngga cuma mata), tapi setelah itu ngapain? Lebih milih hangout bareng temen-temen sesama gamer yang mungkin notabene kebanyakan cowok atau hangout asyik bareng temen-temen untuk ngajak kenalan cewek? Atau mungkin malah habis pulang ngegame langsung tidur di kosan? :p
  7. Cewek bilang: Cowok gamer rata-rata suka cabut/bolos. | Lo bilang: ngga semuanya begitu, asal bolos tapi tetep bisa ngikutin pelajaran ngga masalah. | gue bilang: Hanya cowok yang masih SD/SMP/SMA yang masih berpikiran seperti itu. Lo udah mahasiswa bro, udah gede. Saatnya merubah pola pikir. Hidup lo ngga cuma ngegame. Kecuali lo memang kerja di perusahaan game :p
  8. Cewek bilang: Takut disaingin/diduakan ama game. | Lo bilang: Gamer rela ninggalin game demi ceweknya (walau susah). | gue bilang: Kata-kata walau susah nunjukin kalau PRIORITAS lo masih buat game. So ya bener si cewek. Gue juga ngga mau berlama-lama ditinggal nyalon sama cewek gue :p
Soal pendapat yang gue quote:
kita aja bisa setia ama komputer dari pagi ampe ketemu pagi, kenapa sama cewek ga??? btul khan??”.saya hanya mewakili hati dri anak” gamer’s di Indonesia”
Itu betul-betul salah besar. Jangan analogikan cewek dengan game/komputer. Cewek punya perasaan terlebih lagi cewek makhluk perasa, bukan seperti cowok yang berpikir dengan logika. Ngga ada kan komputer yang lo tinggalin lalu bakal protes marah-marah? :p
Mungkin inti dari pendapat gue di atas adalah don’t be selfish, terlebih lagi lo sodara gue sesama cowok, sesama gamer juga. Gue pengen lo juga bisa ngertiin cewek (tentunya yang cewek juga nantinya bisa ngertiin cowok lho ya :p)
Semoga tulisan gue di atas dapat bermanfaat buat sodara gue sesama cowok, sesama gamer, sebangsa dan setanah air. Goodluck bray, semoga kalian bisa menemukan cewek idaman kalian. :D
Whoa. This is a very hurtfully true post, man. Salute.

I have some awesome gamer guy friends who totally defies those things described above. For me personally, sometimes it is the girl who fail to take perspective in the whole video game thing. Whether they just being naggy and complain-y or the she might the one who's being selfish in the relationship.

My best friend is going out with this gamer guy. The fact that he plays video game didn't bother my best friend at all. In fact, they exchange games. One time he was stuck on Plants vs Zombies (after avidly playing like crazy for hours) and had my best friend (who already aced the game) for help. And my best friend isn't an avid gamer at all. She knows full well that games are for fun and the game helps her and her boyfriend bonds. Even her friends got to bond with the boyfriend with it.

Mom is that kind of complainer/naggy woman that always worries on almost anything, even small ones. My mom complains a lot to my Dad for staying up playing video game for hours. My brother and I defend my Dad if Mom complains too much about Dad playing games. Because she's not supposed to worry about anything. My Dad is a good family man, a good social person, and when he's home, sitting down playing game for hours, that's his children's bonding time with him. One time when Mom brought this up to family discussion, my Dad just laughed and said "You should know how thrilling and exciting to finish a game. It's very fun and it gets you curious. Maybe you should try playing sometimes and see how very challenging to finish one level".

So yeah. Come on, girls. Game isn't a bad thing. You could take advantage from it. It's fun. In fact, join the fun. Jump to the bandwagon. Playing game doesn't mean it forever take your soul. I think one of the point that should be taken note of to fix this problem is a girl has to open her mind and be wise enough to see game as a refreshing outlet rather than object of obsession.

I couldn't be more agree that a good gamer guy is the one that's responsible, mature enough to organize his priority. And I found those traits on my gamer guy friends I know, including my Dad. So if girls specifically avoid "gamer guy", I find that the term to stereotyping.

I think the ones who face this kind of relationship problem (which the ones that most girls avoid) are these socially awkward geeky hardcore gamer kind. There are some of course and I do know some, but compare to the mature and responsible gamer kind, it's not that many. The thing is once people get to know us as gamer, we are judged as this kind of gamer. It's not always like that. Maybe they hold up a too distinct public image so it affects other gamers to the point they're judged as such.
One other problem is also that these socially awkward geeky hardcore gamer tend to set their standards too high. Perhaps because they played too much game with too many inhumanly perfect virtual girls turns their standard biased. They will go out and yell "I want a normal, non-gamer, hot and pretty girl who can relate with me!" while they have no other hobbies except gaming. Well yeah, good luck looking for that. ....And I did mention that they socially awkward, right? Well of course girl alienates these kind of guys.

Once again, I agree what this guy is saying and I salute it as a gamer myself. But I think this is not directed to gamer guys in general, but perhaps more likely to the socially awkward geeky hardcore gamer kind... Because not all gamer guys are like that. In fact, most of them have shown to be a responsible and mature guy a girl can relay.

So yeah. Game isn't that bad everyone. Let's just open our mind a little bit and put aside the judgement. That goes for the girls and for the geeky geeky gamer fellows who's having a hard time looking for girls.

((And fyi, being an avid gamer girl is harder. Aside you are judged, either you're not attractive enough, or dating you makes the guy feels like he's dating his own brother. Short to say, we share the "unprettiness" of the world somehow.))



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